Im A Celeb star Nigel Farages girlfriend rushed to hospital after accident

Nigel Farage’s girlfriend Laure Ferrari has been rushed to hospital after a horror surfing accident.

Pictures have been obtained Down Under as she sported a sling following the incident as a pal revealed Laure was injured in the ocean at Surfers Paradise.

She has currently been in Australia supporting her beau, 59, after the former UKIP leader reached the final four on I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!

Laure, 44, who has been dating Nigel for six years, was photographed in a sling surrounded by other I’m a Celeb cast friends and family members.

Her pal told The Sun: “Laure ended up having an accident while surfing.

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“It was nothing serious but she headed to hospital to get her right arm checked over.

“She is going to be in a sling for a week or two but she’s in good spirits and is having a great time in Australia.”

Earlier this week Lauren was seen bravely crashing around in the waves on the beach at Surfers Paradise in a pink bikini.

Lauren came out to Australia as she was officially confirmed as Nigel’s girlfriend following rumours of a relationship for some time.

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